Saturday, August 14, 2010

Horsey Cupcakes!

Violet's 3rd birthday party was a huge success with real ponies to ride and lets not forget the amazing miniature horsey cupcakes. These were a blast to make. It was fun thinking of different types of horse colorings. Each horse seems to have its own personality.


  1. Oh my gosh!! Those are so stinkin' adorable! Great job!

  2. These are SO cute! I bet the kids LOVED them!

  3. wow, Jackie, those are SO good! I bet they took forever!

  4. That is a work of art! You must be proud of that one. It could help make you famous!

  5. These were every bit as delicious as they were adorable. And the kids LOVED picking out which pony they wanted - every single one was different!!!! We knew they'd be amazing, but you blew us away, Jackie!!!
