This cake was stressful to make, because it was for my own wedding. I had a couple of near disasters because I decided to try a different frosting recipe than I was used to, it looked good on paper but in the bowl, it just didn't want to work out so well, so it was down to a last minute night before the wedding decision to either try and salvage the current frosting or start from scratch, we decided to salvage. And with the help of my mom, aunt and my bridesmaids, we made it into a great success, thanks everyone for not freaking out like I was. I have to say though, that a bride making her own cake the night before the wedding, is justified to freak out a tad. Any how, it ended up looking awesome and tasting awesome. The only taste I got was when Cam shoved it in my face. I didn't have time for anything else.
This was Jackie and Cam's wedding cake that she made herself. It was her first wedding cake. Oh my gosh was it the most delicious cake and so "to die for" She let me have some of the top from their year anniversary. Still so good. Wish I could have some more now.